Laugh Lines
(Live Online Course)
Happiness Blueprint: 10x Your JOY

LAUGH LINES is a 10 hours (5 sessions x 2 hours each) Live Online Course
(The classes are held from 6:45 pm to 9 pm Mon-Fri)
You are going to learn how to:
Get rid of Stress and attract Laughter, Joy, Fitness, Fun and Happiness in your life without Participating in Stress Management Workshops.
Just make the payment through Google Pay / UPI / WhatsApp / Paytm at this number: +919810608500 and inform us of the dates of the most convenient week for you on the same number.

The course will help you if you want to:
Create fulfilment in Health, Wealth and Happiness levels
Make name, fame and be remembered as an accomplished person
Multiply the number of times you laugh every day
Maximize your Profit using your Passion and Purpose
Leave behind a Legacy and Footprint in your chosen niche.
Please click the link below:
After registering, please forward this link to all your friends so they can take advantage of the session. This way, you will help us in spreading happiness and laughter all over the world. Spreading Joy, by the way, is the best way to make this world a better place.
In times of the Pandemic, people need to learn to be happy and laugh more than ever.
Happiness Coach CK Arora's philosophy about Laughter
Laughter does not happen by accident. Standup comedians have to struggle to write a script that may or may not make the audience laugh. But the kind laughter of Laughter I practice and teach is therapeutic in nature and works 100%.
Therapeutic Laughter is not a one-time activity. Like Yoga, Exercise and Meditation, it needs consistency and creates lots of Fun. Because it can't be performed alone, it's a social activity, and that's the beauty of Laughter. We bring people together, and over the long term, we create emotional bonds with like-minded people, and that's great for our emotional as well as physical well-being.
Let's Kickstart Your Decision Making with these Videos
Watch this testimonial video from a past participant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyJ1gJrpOX8
Another from a Corporate participant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgB6P4LzoZs
Yet another one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-wImPaLNjo
Here’s what you’re going to discover:-
1 - What are Laugh Lines? How to create them? How do they Influence your Happiness Levels?
2 - How to bring back the Level of Happiness you once had in your life?
3 - How do you discover and Tune into Your Laughter Frequency?
4 - How to use the Laugh Lines to double your Happiness in the next seven days?
5 - How to make your Laugh Lines permanent with Health, Wealth and Happiness as your BFF?
Participation Fee - no brainer 😃
Energy Exchange for ten Hours of interaction is Rs 8000, but for a limited time, we are offering it for Just Rs 3997 only. Your investment in the course will quickly recover when you see a better version of yourself emerging after completing the course.
The most important contribution from you will be your intention to make this world a better place 😃
This would be the best investment of precious time and money. You will thank us forever 😃
For offering it at a 50% discount, we expect a small RETURN GIFT from you:
If you enjoy the program, please be prepared to share a 1 to 2 minutes Video testimonial elaborating on your Takeaways, Key Learnings, High Points and the most Profound Gifts received during the session.
Even better discounts are available for groups of 20 or more. Please contact us at https://wa.me/919810608500 for Group Discounts.
The session will start precisely at 7 pm; I request you to come 15 minutes early (log in at 6:45 pm) so that you can enjoy the music and be with me spiritually, even though you may not be able to see me before 7 pm.
BONUS 1: Display your Talent
Ten Video uploads to showcase your Talent. You just need to invite 20 friends to the Happiness Institute (facebook group) https://www.facebook.com/groups/HappinessInstitute so they can watch your Laughter Videos. (Value: Happiness Worth a Million Dollars)
BONUS 2: Debrief, Q&A, Next Steps, Celebrations and Party Time
After the Laughter program is delivered to you, we shall meet again after a few days to take stock of the transformation resulting from this first phase of the Laughter Journey and transition you to the next step. The Graduation Celebrations and Party Time is in store for Fast Action Takers.
How to Register?
Please click the link below:
If you are lost or need help, please email me at ckarora@gmail.com.
You may also send me a message through WhatsApp by clicking this link: https://wa.me/+919810608500.
To ensure we get a confirmed seat, it's better to sit close to our laptop a little earlier before the doors open because we can take a maximum of 25 people only. The doors will be opened at 6:45 pm IST.
Looking forward to interacting and laughing with you and your friends during the event.
One of the participants of Laugh Lines says:
I've just attended "Laugh Lines" by CK Arora. The way CK does it is incredible. He brings it into your life. You know, when you have experienced the benefit of something and have gone through what it takes to do it. It beats the theory out of anything. And that's what CK brings for you. When you go through the practical steps of getting LAUGHTER work for you, there's no one who can beat it. I would recommend a workshop by CK. I wish to go for it again and again.